Money back guarantee

Try our service, in the first 3 days you are eligible for 100% refund. After 3 days you still eligible for refund based on the remaining time on the purchased service!

Automated service delivery and configuration

You will receive your service in a few minutes automaticaly. You can configure almost everything on our webadmin regarding your service.

DDOS protection

Protection agains common attacks, like high bandwidth, high number of packets, SYN flood, etc.

Self owned servers hosted in hungary, since 2015

We own all our equipments, and host them in our own rack in Hungary (Budapest).
High end single core computing performance for game servers, if 3.7 GHz not enough for you
CPU frequency4.7 GHz
Price for 30 daysFrom 1800 HUF
For game servers that require high single core computing performance (like Minecraft, CS:GO, RUST, etc)
CPU frequency3.8 GHz
Price for 30 daysFrom 1400 HUF
For general usage.
Smaller or low player count game servers, applications, website hosting, etc.
CPU frequency3.0 GHz
Price for 30 daysFrom 1200 HUF
Business VPS
Automatic backups, snapshots, disk sync to a spare server every two minutes. If your data important to you.
CPU frequency3.0 GHz
Price for 30 daysFrom 2400 HUF
Web hosting
Web hosting for your PHP based websites
Price for 365 daysFrom 299 HUF
Domain for your website
Price for 30 daysFrom 2000 HUF
Game server
Game servers hosted by us. Automatic installation, good ping times.
Price for 30 daysFrom 239 HUF
App servers
Applications hosted by us. Automatic installation, stabile service.
Price for 30 daysFrom 59 HUF

We always watch out for our customer's opinion:

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This is

  • 547 active VPS service
  • 734 active domain
  • 267 active WEB service
  • 8866 paid VPS since 2015
  • Oldest VPS service running since 2018-08-20

Discord price draw #100 is active!

2024-04-25 - New RYZEN+ server

We added our fourth RYZEN+ server!

2024-02-20 - Redundant internet connection

Our internet connection got upgraded to 2x10 Gigabit redundant connection.

2024-02-14 - New RYZEN server

We added our tenth RYZEN server!

2024-02-06 - New RYZEN+ server

We added a third RYZEN+ server!

2024-02-06 - Network outage

Our ISP had 5 minutes of outage (between 11:11-11:16 CET), due this all our service was unreachable. New network connection was ordered.

2024-02-03 - Network outage

Our ISP had 17 minutes of outage (between 15:07-15:24 CET), due this all our service was unreachable.

2024-01-16 - ZEN01 outage

We had 15 minutes of outage on ZEN01 server. All RYZEN+ VPS running on this server were started again.

2023-12-26 - New RYZEN server

We added our ninth RYZEN server!

2023-12-23 - EPYC01 outage

We had a 30 minutes of outage on VPS services running on EPYC01, 3 minutes of outage on websites

2023-12-13 - New backup server

We got a new backup server which is faster and has a lot more storage space! Our VPS services also got free regular backups!

Üzemeltető: VPS4You KFT VAT number: 32064526-2-08 Company registration number: 08-09-034904 Support: +36-30/874-1982 Our prices contains 27% VAT